Prevention and promotion of activities that will help you improve your personal and family well-being
We generate enabling environments that focus on prevention, development of skills, awareness and self-care for children, young people and adults. Each workshop is facilitated with the direction and accompaniment of committed professionals from different areas.

Comprehensive Attention during Early Childhood
Workshops for children from 0 to 5 years of age and their parents or caregivers where they develop strategies:
- To work on accepting the condition. This will be the keystone for generating self-esteem in children and together with appropriate parenting patterns will enable them to develop autonomy.
- To provide adequate stimulation that promotes an integral development of children, with emphasis on the development of speech.
- Oral health guidelines and monitoring.
- Growth and development guidelines and monitoring.

Social Skills
For children from 5 to 12 years old
- It is necessary to work on the ability to adapt
- The child with malformation faces his entry into school, finding rejections and new challenges to overcome.
- Looks physically different from other children.
- Experiences speech difficulties.
- Teachers are confused believing these are demonstrations of cognitive or learning limitations.
- Wearing very large dental devices.
- Missing school in order to meet doctor’s appointments and medical procedures.
- Sure target of bullying and cyberbullying situations.

For young people aged 13 to 19
- It is necessary to work on the ability to adapt
- Adolescence is a life stage in which boys and girls experience physical, psychological, emotional and social changes.
- Physical changes are evident to the eye and come along with experiencing other changes related to the development of abstract and formal thinking, the establishment of sexual identity and the solidification of friendships.
- Adolescents struggle for self-identity and for structuring their existence based on that identity.
- It is a self-assertiveness process that usually appears surrounded by conflicts and resistance.

Life Project
Like any young person this age, it is time to decide how she or he wishes to project his or her adult (emotional and work) life.
The physical changes attained with all treatments have been completed and, particularly, decisions about reproductive life must be made, running the risk that the malformation may repeat.

For parents, the impact of having a child born with malformation is incalculably vast, and parents are the fundamental support of the physical and emotional rehabilitation of their children, by accepting, encouraging, respecting, and valuing them.
The support and close company of parents is significant at the various stages of the life of their child.
- from 0 to 5 years of age
- from 5 to 12 years of age
- from 13 to 19 years of age
- from 20 to 30 years of age

“Grateful to life and to all those who have made it possible to turn this dream into reality.”
María del Pilar Echeverri Brando